We can assist with some these common home purchasing situations:
Home inspections can be the biggest hurdle in a home purchase transaction. Our attorneys have more experience in navigating inspection issues than anyone else by bringing volumes of transactional experience together with new construction knowledge. See below for some information on mold, which is no longer a mandatory disclosure item in some cases.
Email / Wire Fraud Warning: There is a drastic rise in the number of stolen wire transfers during real estate closings. Fraudsters hack emails and supply substitute wiring instructions to steal closing money. This firm never emails wiring instructions, and if you receive wiring instructions for a closing you must CALL the physical title company handling your closing to verbally confirm the wiring information. If you have any doubts please CALL our firm.
We offer real estate professionals, whether new or experienced, transactional help and legal advice on an as-needed basis. We also work with managing brokers to be a resource to their agents. Having partners in the industry is what drives business, and we work with our partners to ensure that we have the most efficient and effective transactions. Call David Kahn directly at (847) 367-6095 or email him at KahnAndKahn@gmail.com. No question is too big or too small. They're why we're here.